There was a lot of planning that went into my month 'vacation' in Bali, including coordinating and executing several photoshoots for myself. I didn't have an official work visa, so these shoots were 'for fun,' but came with the idea of producing something beautiful and hopefully coming home with some new work I could be proud of. The idea came to me a couple weeks before I left. Why not make this a work trip Rem, I said to myself. Challenge yourself to produce some new stuff. So, I got on a local community Facebook page for an area I knew I was staying in. I posted a call to local models and spent the next day culling through over 20 responses. For several weeks before I left, I communicated back and forth with several girls trying to coordinate times and locations, even before I got to Bali and knew the best locations to shoot. Thank you Google.
Then my next bright idea came. Why not approach local California apparel companies, perhaps companies I'd like to work with more and ask to borrow some clothes to take with me. That way, I'd have some great clothes to shoot on the models and these companies would get to know me better. A win win. So I took a second suitcase of clothing from Prana and swimwear from Kenneth Cole and La Blanca. Over the course of my trip I photographed 5 models I found through Facebook, in several different locations around Bali. All the planning paid off. I came home with some work I'm really proud of and inspired by...